ZoomDetails Role of cultural tourism for the development of urban areas for poverty alleviation. Report for the World BankBy Admin19 de June de 20152011
ZoomDetails Poblet Monastery (Tarragona). Visitor’s toilets and facilitiesBy Admin18 de June de 20152011
ZoomDetails Consultancy for the Fund Raising strategy, organization and development of the Board of Donors of the Museum of the History of BarcelonaBy Admin17 de June de 20152011
ZoomDetails Asunción (Paraguay). Museographical project for the “Visitor’s Centre of Paraguay”By Admin16 de June de 20152011
ZoomDetails Iter lingua. Communication project of the European Cultural RoutesBy Admin15 de June de 20152011
ZoomDetails The Ecology Centre. Kutxa Ekogunea (San Sebastián). Director PlanBy Admin14 de June de 20152011
ZoomDetails Vall de Lord Museum (Lleida). Definition and design of the cultural presentation centreBy Admin13 de June de 20152011
ZoomDetails “Puerta de Aralar”. Touristic and cultural presentation centre in NavarraBy Admin12 de June de 20152011
ZoomDetails Paral·lel Avenue in Barcelona. Action Plan for Urban renewal and cultural developmentBy Admin11 de June de 20152010
ZoomDetails Asunción Historic City Centre (Paraguay). Comprehensive Action Program for the urban and cultural revitalizationBy Admin10 de June de 20152010